Dana’s Journey, and Yours.
I am a mother, an author, a speaker, a writing coach, and I am sober.
Maybe you are as well—sober, that is, or a mother, or both—and that’s why you are here. Well, first of all…congratulations! By cripes, you are an amazing sober rockstar! On a scale of one to ten, you go to eleven!

Now you have this new you, and this new life. But I’m wondering, did you ever find yourself asking: “Ok, sober universe. What now?”
Spoiler alert: I asked this a lot.
When I got sober, I spent a long time wondering just who in the heck I was, what I liked, what was “fun,” what made my heart go pitter-pat. For so long I had poured wine onto my dreams and watched them turn… well, winey. I didn’t know how to dream anymore.
And now I was sober! The world was my sober oyster! I could do anything I wanted! All of my life now was going to end in an excessive amount of exclamation marks.
I was finally going to write the Great American Novel and run a marathon while parenting clean, well-behaved children who are fantastically good looking!
It didn’t quite go to plan, my friends. In fact, this is an actual post that I slapped onto a private recovery group on Facebook when I was newly sober:
Ok, y’all, so here’s the rub:
I am realizing (now some 100 days sober) that I have a clearer head and an open heart and a lot more courage. But. I can’t write anymore (I fancied myself a wanna-be writer… was published a teensy bit, won a few things…)
I can. not. write. I used to be this funny, witty (I know, they mean the same thing. I told you I can’t write anymore) sarcastic momma w/ chutzpah writing about every mom’s favorite topic: my children are driving me crazy and here is a funny article about it…
I just can’t seem to come up with anything. I am funny now in real life…my hubs and I laugh like crazy now. But Damn. I am so stuck.
Almost immediately, however, my sober friends quickly came to the rescue and encouraged me to keep at it, keep writing, the mojo will return! But, I kind of wish there had been someone to offer some specific and practical pointers on how to get un-stuck.
Do you feel the same? Do you have an idea that’s been percolating so long it’s turned to sludge? Is there a creative project that’s been gathering dust in your mind that deserves some attention?
Finding your creative sober self can be tricky—a lot of sober folks can find themselves asking: “Well, since I stopped drinking my face off, what do I like to do now… anyway? Where do I go from here?”
I can show you.
The creative spark is there, my sober rockstar. It’s ready to be uncovered, right along with your new serenity.